Sunday, May 16, 2010

How to clean up V-Ray “Missing Dlls” massage.

V-Ray is really popular render engine and sometimes you will get a model that was created by V-Ray from another firm or web site. If you don’t have V-Ray, you will get a Missing Dlls message. This is not good for non V-Ray users. We need to clean up this error massage; otherwise we are not able to use a net render. I hope this step works most of these cases.

When I open a scene that was created by V-Ray, I got 6 error messages (1). It depends on how to create a scene/ materials; there is different number of error massages.
First thing I do, using a script that clean up all material information from the scene.
$*.material = undefined
(If you don’t know this script, please check “Max scripts from Max Script Help – Part 1 Remove all Materials” from my blog.)

Save the scene then open it. Now, there are 3 error messages (2).

Next, open Material Editor and reset all slots. Go Utility > Reset Material Editor Slots. Save the scene then open it. Now, there are 2 error massages (3).

Go back to Material Editor. Then go Get Material > Select a Scene (4).
I used the script but still there is one material is used for an environment.

How to delete this material? We need to reset the scene, so all settings are going back to default. Do reset the scene (6)
then Import > Merge selects the scene you are working on. Ignore error messages and merge it, then save this scene. It should be clean up all error message now.


  1. This is awesome, worked like a charm.

  2. Hi. I have a scene with 4 Vray environment shaders assigned to a helper object (I can't delete the helper as it's part of a rig that is animated). I can't assign a texture to replace the Vray stuff. Stripping the textures with the script doesn't remove the shaders. Any suggestions as to how I get rid of them so I can use the network render?
